By Vietnam Expo On 27-08-2024 at 4:15 am

Sweet oranges, laden with fruits thanks to Israeli irrigation technology

(VAN) Nearly 90 ha of oranges owned by people in Huong Son and Vu Quang districts were supported by the Kind Heart Foundation (Vingroup) to invest in Israeli irrigation technology, contributing to improving product quality.

Orange and pomelo are the two main citrus tree types that Ha Tinh province has encouraged to develop in the past 8–10 years. After achieving the area target, this locality introduced technical advances to improve soil, prevent pests and diseases, and improve product quality.

With the support of the Kind Heart Foundation (Vingroup), from October 2022 to December 2024, Ha Tinh pilots the project "Automatic Pressurized Irrigation System for Citrus Trees" (Israel's technique) in the two districts of Huong Son and Vu Quang. This foundation partially supports the cost of equipment and installation of the smart irrigation system (NaanDanJain Irrigation) provided by Israel, with funding of 50–70% of initial investment costs and 100% of training costs in the first 2 years.

Smart irrigation technology has been directly transferred and built by Israeli experts. All are connected together by radio waves, allowing analysis of the plant's needs for water and nutrition at each stage and time of day based on software automatically connected to the Internet. Machines help analyze the correct moisture and nutrients in the soil to give reasonable results about the water and nutrition needs of plants.

The drip pipe system is spread evenly over the entire crop area with a pressurized valve system that allows a uniform supply of water and nutrients to each plant. Plants never lack water, especially in prolonged hot weather conditions in the summer. On the other hand, due to being provided with enough water and nutrients, the plants grow better than with traditional irrigation methods.

"As of now, 75 orange-growing households with a total area of nearly 90 ha in Huong Son and Vu Quang districts have installed this system," informed the leader of the Ha Tinh Sub-Department of Crop Production and Plant Protection.

As a locality pioneering in implementing the project "Automatic Pressurized Irrigation System for Citrus Trees," supported by the Kind Heart Foundation, Huong Son district has had 24 participating households with an area of 27 ha of oranges. These orange areas are all growing well, giving stable yield and fruit quality, and improving soil quality during the cultivation process.

After more than 1 year of applying the automatic pressurized irrigation system, the orange garden of Mr. Nguyen Van Thang, residing in village 9, Son Truong commune, has overcome the problem of mass fruit falling and cracking. According to Mr. Thang, he previously thought that his orange garden was infected with fungus and degenerated, so many young fruits fell and the plants were stunted. However, after receiving information from the project's technical staff, he realized that excess or lack of water causes the roots to transport nutrients inadequately, causing the plant to develop poorly.

"When we receive support to fully install pressure gauges, flow meters, and underground wiring systems throughout the garden, irrigation water can reach each orange root, even on the high hill. Growers can also control the amount of water used to irrigate orange trees, so the trees grow well, overcoming the shortcomings we have been having for a long time," said Mr. Thang.

According to the assessment of Mr. Nguyen Kieu Hung, Vice Chairman of the Huong Son District People's Committee, Israeli irrigation technology is a scientific and technical advance with many superior features. This system contributes to increasing longevity, increasing productivity and quality, promptly adding nutrients to orange trees, saving labor, and reducing product costs for Huong Son's orange products.

In the orange "capital" of Duc Linh commune, Vu Quang district, despite many intense heat waves, more than 1 ha of oranges owned by Mr. Nguyen Xuan Kieu's family, residing in Tan Hung village, still grow well. During the dry season, he does not have to pump water manually like before because he has an irrigation system with Israeli technology supported for installation by the Kind Heart Foundation.

According to Mr. Kieu, his family's orange garden has a high slope. Previously, he spent a lot of effort to pull water up and irrigate each root, but the efficiency was not high. Orange trees lack water, the tree turns yellow, the leaves curl, and productivity decreases year by year.

"After receiving 70% funding support from the project, my family reciprocated approximately VND 40 million to install Israeli irrigation technology. The underground wiring system rarely breaks during the gardening process; the watering area is very large without loss. Due to convenience, we can actively irrigate regularly, no longer depending on rainwater or labor," Mr. Nguyen Xuan Kieu emphasized.



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