By Vietnam Expo On 16-05-2024 at 2:45 am

Improving the quality of durian to affirm its foothold in the Chinese market

(VAN) The Vietnamese durian is encountering increasingly intense competition in the Chinese market. Therefore, improving the quality of the fruit is a crucial solution.

Vietnamese durian exports have seen significant growth in the first months of the year, with projections indicating exports surpassing $500 million USD, marking a 30% increase compared to the previous year. The surge in demand from the Chinese market has contributed to this positive trend. Additionally, durian production has risen due to successful off-season flowering techniques implemented by growers in provinces like Tien Giang and Vinh Long.

However, Vietnamese durian has faced warnings from the Chinese market due to non-compliance with phytosanitary requirements outlined in the Protocol for exporting to China. These warnings mainly revolve around prohibited insect infections, sourcing from uncertified areas, packaging discrepancies, and inadequate measures for managing harmful organisms and ensuring food safety.

The primary issue prompting China's warnings is the lack of oversight regarding production unit and packaging facility codes in various regions. Improving management and monitoring of these codes in durian-growing provinces is crucial to mitigate the number of warned durian batches.

Dong Nai, renowned for its fruit tree cultivation, especially durian, faces alerts regarding the establishment of area codes and packaging facilities. Mr. Tran Lam Sinh of Dong Nai's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development proposes a comprehensive regional food safety monitoring program. This initiative would involve durian-cultivating areas and localities with packaging facilities, each implementing their own monitoring schemes.

Simultaneously, creating a nationwide database linking food safety information, growing area codes, packaging facility codes, and violations will aid in traceability and coordination. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, along with localities and businesses, prioritize maintaining durian quality amid competition from Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Malaysia.

Ms. Ngo Tuong Vy highlights Thailand's increased starch content requirement for durian exports, urging proper harvesting practices to ensure quality. Sanctions may be imposed on those harvesting immature durians. Mr. Dang Phuc Nguyen emphasizes the responsibility of traders and harvesters in harvesting durians at the right age, necessitating solutions to enhance their understanding and professionalism.

Mr. Vu Phi Ho of the Tay Nguyen Durian Joint Stock Company stresses the importance of proper execution across the durian value chain to maintain quality, from cultivation to consumption. Oversight must be strengthened at every stage to uphold Vietnamese durian quality.

During the Sustainable Durian Production and Export Conference on May 10th, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Deputy Minister Hoang Trung emphasized the paramount importance of upholding the quality of exported durians. This is crucial for Vietnam's competitive edge in the global market, particularly against intensified competition from Thailand, Malaysia, and others, notably in China.

With the expansion of durian cultivation areas nationwide, collaboration between ministry agencies and local authorities is essential to assess existing and potential cultivation sites. A thorough evaluation of the cultivation process is necessary to establish enforceable nationwide regulations for fresh durians. These regulations will facilitate inspections, monitoring, and enforcement actions against any violations.

Localities must strengthen oversight of growing area and packing facility codes to preserve quality. Prompt verification and rectification of identified inaccuracies in these codes are imperative. Additionally, the establishment of sustainable durian value chains in the area should be encouraged.


Vietnam Expo

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