By Vietnam Expo On 25-06-2024 at 3:53 am

European-standard cool meat gains popularity among Vietnamese consumers

VAN) MEATDeli's high-quality meat has gained popularity among Vietnamese consumers for its exceptional freshness, succulent tenderness, and ability to retain optimum nutritional value. MEATDeli is the first of its kind to achieve BRC standard.

According to recent research from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), pork makes up 73.3% of the meat consumption in Vietnam, poultry meat accounts for 17.5%, and the remaining 9.2% consists of red meat such as cow, buffalo, goat, and sheep.

Choosing pork that is safe for consumption

Pork is a protein-rich food that is abundant in many vitamins and minerals. It is particularly high in thiamine, which is a crucial B vitamin that supports important biological activities. Pork is a widely available ingredient that can be found in both traditional markets and supermarkets, making it a popular choice among consumers.

Due to the nutritional value of pork, meticulous preservation methods after slaughter are necessary to guarantee safety. As per Circular No. 33/2012/TT-BNNPTNT, which outlines hygiene and food safety requirements for businesses handling fresh meat and edible animal by-products, the preservation conditions and durations are as follows: no chemicals are permitted for preservation; meat and by-products stored at room temperature can only be sold within 8 hours of slaughter; meat and by-products stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius can only be sold within 72 hours of slaughter.

Food safety officials have guided individuals on the proper selection of safe pork. To select fresh and safe pork, consumers should opt for pork that is dry, bright, and pale pink. It should not be moist or slimy and should have evenly fine and firm flesh fibers, as well as a shining and taut cut surface. The meat should have acceptable elasticity, show no indentation upon pressing, possess a slight stickiness when touched, and being relatively soft. The fat and muscular components should be firmly joined, without any leakage of yellowish fluid.

Pork that is fresh and excellent has a natural fragrance characteristic to flesh. If the meat produces unusual odors, such as rotten or fishy smells, it indicates that it has been held for an extended period or subjected to chemical treatment. Consumers should refrain from purchasing pork contaminated with parasites, commonly located within cysts that are embedded among the flesh fibers. When purchasing meat, it is important to carefully inspect areas with visible fat veins such as the shoulder, thighs, and head. If you notice the presence of little white grains like rice grains between the flesh fibers, it is advisable not to proceed with the purchase.

Consumers may also consider buying branded chilled pork, which is both secure and traceable. The stringent safety regulations, excellent tenderness, and perfect freshness of chilled pork have propelled its popularity in Europe, offering unparalleled ease to consumers who may acquire it at their convenience.

European standard cooled pork: Safe and traceable

Researchers have developed highly advanced technologies to ensure that meat remains tender and fresh, comparable to freshly slaughtered meat. This is particularly important in the European market, where livestock farming is a longstanding industry and strict standards are in place. This technology is referred to as cooling.

This cooling method is utilized during the entirety of the slaughtering and meat processing procedures: After slaughter, the meat is promptly cooled to prevent bacteria from entering. It is then kept at a low temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius for around 24 hours. This procedure facilitates the activation of the inherent enzymes in the meat, which aids in tenderizing and enhancing the meat's flavor (referred to as the biochemical aging process).

The meat is consistently kept at a low temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius during preparation, transit, and storage to preserve its freshness, softness, and nutritional value. The entire cooling process is consistently maintained at a temperature range of 0-4 degrees Celsius to guarantee that every piece of meat attains the desired level of freshness and tenderness.

European standard cooled pork can only be referred to as such if the meat has undergone the precise three-step procedure of "rapid cooling – balanced cooling – maintained cooling".

Cooled pork has gained significant popularity in Europe and is increasingly being embraced by Vietnamese consumers. This is mostly owing to its advantageous characteristics such as its tender and fresh quality, as well as its convenience in terms of choosing and storage. These qualities make it especially appropriate for the fast-paced urban lifestyle.



Vietnam Expo

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