Seedless Lime

Seedless Lime

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Vinh Agriculture
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Vietnam is known for its fertile soil, favorable climate, and rich agricultural heritage, making it an ideal location for growing various fruits, including seedless limes. Seedless limes from Vietnam are typically grown in the Mekong Delta region, which is known for its lush, green landscape and abundant water supply.

Vietnamese seedless limes are prized for their sweet, tangy flavor and juicy pulp, making them perfect for use in various culinary applications. Seedless limes have a bright green exterior and a juicy, acidic flesh commonly used to add a tangy flavor to different dishes and beverages.

At Vinh Agriculture, we offer Fluidized IQF Seedless Lime and Freeze-Dried Seedless Lime that are easy to use for many recipes and food formulas.
  • Fluidized IQF Seedless Lime Slice shape is a premium quality lime product that has been carefully selected, cleaned, and individually quickly frozen using the latest fluidization technology. The fluidization process ensures that each individual lime piece is frozen separately, which prevents clumping and provides a consistent product. Our Fluidized IQF Seedless Lime is perfect for various applications, including drinks, desserts, sauces, and marinades. It has a bright and zesty flavor will enhance any recipe and provide a refreshing taste experience.
  • Freeze-Dried Seedless Lime has undergone freeze-drying, which involves removing the moisture content from the fruit while preserving its flavor, nutrients, and texture. Freeze-dried Seedless Lime has a long shelf life, ranging from several months to a few years, depending on the storage conditions. It's also versatility. The lime can be rehydrated by adding water or as a powder to flavor various dishes such as soups, stews, sauces, and marinades.

Specifications of Seedless Lime

Place of Origin Vietnam
Packaging On demand
Season Year Round
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